What is Teletherapy or Telebehavioral Therapy?

Teletherapy is a way for individuals to be able to access mental health care when they are unable to attend psychotherapy sessions in person. Teletherapy can be conducted through different technological means. The form of Teletherapy that I practice is through videoconferencing, which is as close to face-to-face therapy as I can get. The bare minimum requirements for Teletherapy is a smart phone where the HIPPA compliant app can be downloaded.

Are you a good candidate for Teletherapy?


The answer to this question is based on what specific needs and goals you have for counseling. Teletherapy is a relatively new medium for Mental Health professionals to be able to expand how services are provided. There are certain mental health diagnosis that are more difficult to treat with this process. Doing any kind of therapy requires commitment on the clients part. There are additional requirements, procedures, disclosures, and consent agreements for clients to utilize Teletherapy services. My Informed Consent Agreement is shared below. Please take the time to review and feel free to contact me directly with any questions you may have.

Informed Consent Agreement for Teletherapy Services

I currently live in the state of Texas and agree to participate in videoconference therapy with Jessica A. Garrett M.A, NCC, LPC-S.  I further attest that I will be doing all of my online therapy sessions with MS. Garrett while I am present within the boundaries of the State of Texas.

I authorize information related to my medical and mental health to be electronically transmitted in the form of images and data through an interactive video connection to and from the above named provider.

I represent that I am using my own equipment to communicate and not equipment owned by another, and specifically not using my employer’s computer or network.  I understand using “auto-remember” user names and passwords could violate my own confidentiality.  I agree that all videoconferencing sessions will occur in a private location where the risk for interruptions and being overheard are minimized.  I understand if videoconferencing fails that session, then therapy can continue with just telephone.  I understand if I use a cell phone versus a land line that I should disable blue tooth technology and use wired headphones if needed.  I understand using phone service over a VoIP line is not secure.  I understand that the use of texting and email are also not secure means of communicating private information and that I agree to use the Secure Messaging System through my client portal access in order to communicate written private information.

I understand that I will be informed of all parties that may be present during the therapy session and of their purpose for being there.  I also agree to not have other parties present during my therapy session without signed written consent on file for them to be there.

MS. Garrett has explained why videoconferencing is her preferred method of TeleMental Health options and how using videoconferencing will differ from in-person services, including but not limited to emotional reactions that may be generated by using technology.

I understand that my provider will not be physically in my presence.  Instead, we will see and hear each other electronically.  Some information my provider would ordinarily get in face-to-face consultation may not be available in teletherapy.   I understand that such missing information could in some situations make it more difficult for my provider to understand my problems and to help me get better.  My provider will be unable to touch me or to render any emergency assistance.

I understand that teletherapy is a newer form of treatment, in an area not yet fully validated by research, and there may be potential risks, possibly including some that are not yet recognized or understood.  Among the risks that are presently recognized are the possibility that the technology will fail before or during session, that the transmitted information in any form could be unclear or that information could be intercepted by an unauthorized person or persons.

I understand that I do not have to answer any questions that I feel are inappropriate or that I am not ready to answer.  I acknowledge that diagnosis depends on information, and treatment depends on diagnosis, so if I withhold information, I assume the risk that a diagnosis might not be made or might be made incorrectly.  Were that to happen, my treatment might be less successful than it otherwise would be, or it could fail entirely.

I understand that teletherapy can be terminated either by me or by a designee, or by my therapist at any time.

I also understand that under the law, and regardless of what form of communication I use in working with my therapist, my therapist may be required to report to authorities information suggesting that I am engaging or about to engage in behaviors that endanger others.

The alternatives to videoconference therapy have been explained to me, including their risks and benefits, as well as the risks and benefits of doing without treatment.  I understand that I can at anytime pursue in-person therapy with another provider.   I understand that teletherapy does not necessarily eliminate my need to see a specialist in person, and I have received no guarantee as to the effectiveness of teletherapy.

I understand that MS. Garrett does not record teletherapy sessions, nor does she consent for me or anyone else to record sessions without prior approval and a signed consent form specific to that session.

I understand that progress notes, assessment results, disclosures, records of text, email, SMS, and phone calls will be held in confidence subject to state and/or federal law.  I understand under HIPPA that I am guaranteed access to my records, and that copies of records can be made available through written request.  I also understand, however, that if my therapist, in the exercise of professional judgement, concludes that providing my records to me could threaten the safety of a human being, myself, or another person, my therapist may rightfully decline to provide them or offer to write a summary of treatment.  If such a request for records is made and honored, I understand that I retain sole responsibility for the confidentiality of the records released to me and that I may have to pay a reasonable fee to get a copy.

I have received a copy of my provider’s contact information, including her name, telephone number with voicemail access, email, and fax.  I have also received information on where to verify MS. Garrett’s license.

I have received and had the opportunity to discuss MS. Garrett’s social media policy.

I have helped create and have a copy of a list of local support services in case of an emergency.  I acknowledge, that if I am facing or if I think I may be facing an emergency situation that could result in harm to me or to another person, I am not to seek out my therapist, Instead I will seek care immediately through my own local health care provider or at the nearest hospital emergency department or by calling 911.